What comes to mind when you hear the term "Millennial?" This generation is not widely understood by marketers, who often use this demographic label a bit too liberally. Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996, while Gen Z is a younger bunch. The... (Read More)
Most brands conduct thorough target audience research when they're first starting out, but not as many brands regularly check in with their target audience to see if consumer preferences and motivations have changed.
Even if you're a smaller... (Read More)
You’ve likely heard the term digital transformation. Perhaps you hear it along with the phrase digital disruption. We often call the first to succeed with a big transformation in an industry, the disruptor. It may come from a small startup or from... (Read More)
Social media is everywhere - its ubiquitous use now touches nearly every facet of human life. In the healthcare industry specifically, users of social media must always be aware of the fine line between proper and improper information... (Read More)
Yes, there are plenty of flashy tools out there at your disposal, and you should certainly be using video, Instagram, Facebook and anything else you can get your hands on. But always keep email marketing front of mind. It may seem staid and, dare we... (Read More)
Do businesses really need a blog?
It's a lot of work, right? And there are so many other things you could be doing to bring revenue into the business. Do blogs matter? Are they worth the time that it takes to write 400 words for some unknown... (Read More)
The average attention span of an adult is shorter than ever, which makes it all the more challenging for social media marketers to capture their target audience's attention while they're swiftly scrolling through their newsfeeds.
To compete with... (Read More)
Fear appeals refer to emotionally-provocative forms of communication that psychologically motivate consumers to make purchasing decisions based on perceptions of significant or impending risks to themselves, their loved ones, or their lives. Many... (Read More)